
H1 Primary Headings

H2 Secondary Headings

H3 Minor Headings

Standard body copy. Use by default.

Helper text copy

H3 small caps

H3 Serif Title

Serif body copy. Rarely used.


darken($copper, 10%)


Text Coloration

On white backgrounds, standard body copy renders in $font-color.
Text links are expressed in $link-color, with underline on hover and an inline glyph for additional visual signaling.

Secondary Text

A secondary copy color, $font-color-lt, or can be utillized for text that falls lower in the IA spectrum.
Use sparingly and only as supporting text for existing primary text.
Text links are expressed in the standard $link-color

Accented Text Treatments

$tone-grey can be used as a secondary background color to provide slight visual contrast
When a light accent is required, it is appropriate to use $white text on an $light-accent-grey background
When a heavy accent is required, it is appropriate to use $white text on an $everlane-grey background
Use sparingly

Error Text Treatments

Standard error text is rendered in $error-font-color and can be paired with $white or $tone-grey backgrounds
Standard error text is rendered in $error-font-color and can be paired with $white or $tone-grey backgrounds
For very aggressive error messaging, it is appropriate to use a $error-color background

Border Treatments

Borders are rendered in $border-color
Example list item 1
Example list item 2
Heavy borders are $border-color-bd


Primary CTA

Use mainly for direct e-commerce actions

Inactive State

Secondary CTA

Use for non-commerce actions.

Inactive State

Colored Buttons

Use to reference outside brands


Actions are links with glyphs attached. Use them in settings where they stand alone as single elements.


Text Input